In recent weeks I’ve experienced an increase in snagged movement: interviews falling through the cracks, clients missing appointments, my car’s battery dead, and the dishwasher breaking. Through it all I’ve been somewhat surprised by the way I’ve been acting. It’s as though my Inner Perceiver is watching to see how I do in these “tests.”

I seem to be showing up in my reality as these stumbling blocks appear and asking why? What do I need to know? What do I feel like doing that brings me pleasure? How do I stay in my Home Frequency and let life do what it’s doing?

I found myself enjoying the conversations with the various mechanics, and getting great service. Discovering there were good reasons an appointment was missed twice: a key action had to take place before I could talk to the client convincingly about her main issue. Over and over, I found that validating the reality of trust, and the power of “being with” life attentively and lovingly, brought smooth movement. I wasn’t stopping the flow; I was being enriched and entertained by it.

I could sense that the wave of energy affecting the world had “bunched up” as it began penetrating the physical and emotional realms. The number of people who were unreachable turned out to be isolated in their own realities as they handled what was surfacing in their lives and awareness.

It’s interesting to practice not voting on whether experiences are good or bad. Instead, focusing on allowing flow. A turn of events might look negative, but the overall effect is to free greater energy and consciousness movement.

In the last month, for the first time in my  career, I had 3 clients who either became nauseous during their reading, or immediately afterward. One went home and threw up all night. As bad as this sounds, I sense what was happening was that the soul was intent on moving the personality forward, through old heavy family programming, and in a couple cases, through some brutally violent childhood experiences.

Why nausea? Perhaps it has something to do with “I can’t stomach this old pain anymore,” with the organism wanting to rid itself immediately of an unhealthy, toxic energy pattern. I find we often act out physically the shifting of consciousness, to make the change real to our subconscious and body. Sometimes we create a physical turning point, a marker, as an excuse to change. It might be an accident, illness, dramatic event—or a purging. Now you can say, “See, I’m different—BECAUSE I’m now on the other side of. . .

One of the clients who became nauseous said, “My friend said I was probably releasing toxins. But, you know, in spite of the nausea, I definitely felt very peaceful on my drive home!” She reported that the other client, her friend, “was overwhelmed by the reading though not in a negative way. She said she probably only picked up on 10% of what you said. She is going to go back and listen to the tape but I already notice a tremendous attitudinal change in two areas of her life…pretty amazing, actually.”

What’s fascinating to me is that I am seeing people operating FROM THEIR SOUL and not quite aware of it yet. They are doing whatever’s necessary to get clear, and often as fast as they can, even if that means some discomfort or even big changes in their relationships, job, or living situation. I am tremendously moved by this; it’s courage at it’s best, the human spirit at its best.