Five Levels of Social Consciousness

I thought this was interesting, as seen as part of the transformation process. . . The Institute of Noetic Sciences bulletin, The Noetic Post, Vol 1 No2, reports about the five levels of social consciousness they have identified.

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The Pleasure State of the Universe

The larger the space of me becomes, the harder it is to hold it, and soon a natural motion of expansion takes over for my mind, and the motion moves on its own, and the scope of the space of me adjusts itself according to universal rhythms. The ride is sublime!

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SNAKE by D. H. Lawrence

A snake came to my water-trough
On a hot, hot day, and I in pyjamas for the heat,
To drink there.

In the deep, strange-scented shade of the great dark carob-tree
I came down the steps with my pitcher
And must wait, must stand and wait, for there he was at the trough before me.

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Passion Is. . .

Passion only comes when the heart is open and the body, senses, and feeling ability are fully engaged. Passion is engagement without thought of an exit point or strategy.

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ALLOW Destiny to Unfold

Destiny is not in the future. It resides in you now and fuels your every move. Do not let old mind habits, the clutter of the ages, interfere with your smooth expansion.

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Writing a Poem as a Sacred Act, Part 2

What creates a living state of awareness, a contagious mood, the timeless pause? I’m not so motivated to write a great poem structurally, as I am in catalyzing “real moments” and turning on the heart’s light switch.

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Writing a Poem as a Sacred Act, Part 1

I carry a journal on airplanes and hikes, to mountaintops, beaches, and foreign countries. A poem is such a good way to distill the essence of a confusing or inspiring experience by blending actual detail with feeling to find the core spiritual message. After the last line mysteriously appears, as though from some inner master, I often feel sublimely wide-eyed, relieved, and wiser.

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