The Passing of Great People

I wonder how the passing of people who are major light-holders actually affects the planet and those of us still here in bodies. Perhaps as we become higher frequency ourselves, we will not feel them as gone, but still radiating their essence, in perhaps an even purer way, through the earth’s field, or energy body.

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Screen Addiction

I look around these days and what I mostly see is people looking into, or talking or typing into, lit-up screens of varying sizes. Riding to the airport on the airporter bus at 4am, my fellow passengers are checking email on their phone screens, playing music on their ipods, or loudly and self-importantly telling someone somewhere, “I’m on the Golden Gate Bridge now. Now I’m on 19th Avenue. Now I’m just arriving at the terminal.”

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One Voice in Many: Part 9

We must find our source of internal wisdom, out teacher part, that will guide and remind us of our true identity. That part is the conscience, though in its truest functioning, the word “should” has no place. The essential conscience speaks of truth and gently reminds us of what is real—really real, not superficially real. Over millennia the conscience has become the watchdog for the mind/ego and we’ve forgotten its divine function.

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