Finding Your Destiny-Direction

I recently found this piece of writing I did after I had had a stream of clients who had lost motivation for what they’d been doing successfully for a long time, and who were now feeling rudderless, not yet able to find the sense of their destiny-direction. I asked my inner voice, or Inner Perceiver, what was entailed in finding and embodying one’s destiny.

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Penney Has a New Breath-of-Fresh-Air Website

I invite you to have a look at my new website—it’s still—but it’s simpler and cleaner, and still offers lots of free stuff! Have a look at the Oracles page! And now, my blog is integrated into the site as well—the latest entry gives you a list of The 10 Books That Have Influenced Me Spiritually—I wonder if any of them were meaningful to you as well? I went back through my old blog and hand-picked the most interesting and useful entries—all the way back to 2006 (!) and reworked them for today.

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10 Books that Influenced Me Spiritually

These books were highly instrumental in helping me wake up and develop greater wisdom and compassion. The common elements in these—and all the books I’ve integrated into myself over the years—are a quality of deep honesty, resonance with higher truth, and a succinct, personal, direct writing style.

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On “Creativity” and Being Constantly Contemporary

I hate the word ‘creativity’, because it is a word invented on Madison Avenue by advertisers. It’s clear that the industry needs to renew itself continuously, because otherwise it does not sell. People get bored, generations change and you have to change everything. This is about industry, it’s not about society. Industry needs advertising, and advertising needs creativity because the market needs to renew itself continuously.

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