I’m Happy that You’re Happy

I called my niece Julia to wish her a happy 15th birthday and we chatted wittily away. Finally I said, “I’m happy that you’re happy,” and she immediately followed with, “I’m happy that you’re happy.” We laughed. Later in the car, I thought: this cyclical, nonending commentary is the true talk of souls. I’m happy that you’re happy. We cause each other’s joy by our own joy because the other’s joy IS our joy.

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Celebrity Worship

I hope celebrity isn’t the way only we are distinguishing what to pay attention to, as though what stands out the most has the most worth. To me, celebrity can breed shallowness and lead to lack of innovation and evolution, because they must maintain audience attention to remain in the spotlight. Do they have a true chance to enter liminal space and recoup their energy and true connection with source? Does ego develop where it is not wanted?

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