Dragon Wisdom: The Intelligence of the Flow

I’ve always been intrigued by the dragon image and symbology: in the West the dragon breathes fire, lives in caves in the earth, and is seen as a dark, dangerous force guarding a treasure. In the East, the dragon flies through the air, is associated with water (especially rivers), and is a light, lucky force offering a treasure. Together, all the elements are covered, as is the yin and the yang.

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Mid-Afternoon Remembering

Certainly there are days I want to just REALLY stop, and not work on my business, and not even do the more meaningless rote tasks like washing dishes or balancing the checkbook. Today, I stayed in sweat pants all day.

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Rainer Maria Rilke Poem

Look, I know there are those
who never learn to walk the paths
that lead people to each other.
Rather, they experience an opening
into a suddenly breathable Heaven.
A never-ending flight
through love’s thousand years night.

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