A world-renowned expert intuitive and author talks about her practice of examining the happenings of everyday life for hidden meaning. You’ll find tips about intuition development, working with energy and personal vibration, the transformation process, dreamwork, future trends, design, writing, and leading consciousness ideas—along with interesting articles by thoughtful others.

5 Criteria of Soul Perception

5 Criteria of Soul Perception

The soul is fluid; soul perception always embodies natural flow. It embraces new things without resistance and lets them go just as easily.

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5 Ways to Use Intuition to Feel Your Soul

5 Ways to Use Intuition to Feel Your Soul

Bring your awareness fully into the present moment. The soul enters the world, for you, through every particle of your body. These particles of soul force, or points of light, exist only in the present moment. If your mind projects into the past or future, you lose touch with the radiance and cannot experience your soul.

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Imagine a Beginning, and It IS!!

Imagine a Beginning, and It IS!!

Here we are again, at Day One. Interesting how my mind orients itself to the feeling of a new cycle, tells itself to start fresh, and the rest of me readies for the pop of the gun — just from the habit of defining this day, which is just a day like any other, as a new beginning. ONE is a powerful word. First step. Impulse. Motive. Upswing.

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The Benefits of Daydreaming

The Benefits of Daydreaming

The more we try to be super-smart, on top of things, focused on outcomes, and mindful, the more we probably need to space out and daydream.

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Too Much Mind!!

Too Much Mind!!

The Perceiver in me is weary
of old conversations made of concepts
and brilliant insights that fortify or blame;
eyes and ears turn away to the peace
that dwells in cells.

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Pleasure Without a Cause

Pleasure Without a Cause

Here is something I said to a client this week, that I think I needed to hear myself.  We were talking about his being more successful in his career, being able to put out the kind of energy that attracts the money he’s worth. I said, “Entitlement is a function of centeredness.

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Emily Dickinson, the Brain, and God

Emily Dickinson, the Brain, and God

The Brain — is wider than the Sky —
For — put them side by side —
The one the other will contain
With ease — and you — beside —

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Controlled Folly

Controlled Folly

I have lately been thinking about the motivation to create and innovate, serve others, and add goodness to the world—what I call “horizontal growth.” On the other hand, if this world is a dream we are collectively dreaming, and we can oscillate out of it every other moment into a direct experience of the divine, is there a purpose to improving it or is it already perfect in its original state?

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Out of the Mouths of Babes

Out of the Mouths of Babes

I had dinner with a friend from twenty years ago the other night, and it was fun catching up. She is a therapist and in these interim years she married and had 2 daughters—after age forty. One day one of the little girls chose to wait in the car while she ran into a store to get something. When my friend came out she said, “What were you thinking about while you were waiting?” Her daughter said, “I wasn’t thinking, Mom.” “Well, what is not thinking like?” my friend asked.

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Intuitive Men

Intuitive Men

I did intuitive consultations in Sacramento for the past few days and had several men as clients. They all owned their own businesses, and were sensitive, alert, and humorous. On first glance, though, they appeared somewhat rumply and a bit slouchy. Ordinarily, I would not have been drawn to them, as they gave off an aloof quality as well.

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Fine-Line Balances—An Intuitive Art

Fine-Line Balances—An Intuitive Art

I am thinking quite a bit this week about those subtle balancing acts we must learn to master if we are to become truly mature and full human beings. To be ONLY happy, or understanding, or even balanced, is to miss half of life and not grasp the depth of human experience. To be ONLY worried, depressed, irritated, or out of control is, similarly, to move through life hopping on one foot.

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Thinking vs. Being; Words vs. Silence

Thinking vs. Being; Words vs. Silence

I have been thinking about thinking lately. How the self-generated yakkety-yak only stops when we read a book, talk on the phone, or watch television, substituting other voices for our own. Occasionally, we meditate and have a modicum of success at suspending the static.

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